Static Guarding Services

Qualified Guards

Our security Guards are licensed by the PSA and SIA and receive additional training in skills including health and safety, surveillance skills awareness and customer service as part of our commitment to Training and Development.

24-hour protection

Our Static guarding service protects against unauthorised entry, damage to property and assault or injury. Additionally, with the appropriate CCTV licence, our security officers can monitor and track specific individuals and identify persons of interest.

Our people on the ground, supported by the right technology, are by far the best deterrents. By choosing our integrated service, you are protected by our expertise 24/7/365.

Remote monitoring

Neylons Facility Management offer 24-hour protection for your people and property. We provide a fully integrated system to cover all aspects of your operation, from intruder and fire alarms, to CCTV and access control.

Our service includes a helpdesk for accident reporting, crisis management and service issues. We also coordinate Guarding teams and despatch mobile patrol and key holder response teams to remote Properties.

  • Highly Trained Professionals

  • 24-hour protection

  • Remote monitoring

  • Inhouse CAFM Providing Realtime Reports

The quality of their workmanship is excellent.  They are innovative and their investment is training and technology to support the process of cleaning is ongoing and noteworthy.

Pat SheehanService ManagerMater Private Cork

Clients include: