Academy for Growth Graduation 2023
June 2023
NEYLONS continue to be committed to the training and development of our Staff, we recognise that it is our people that are ‘the difference that makes the difference’ In the service delivery to our Clients and the future development of our company.
Inspired by former Ireland rugby coach Joe Schmidt, who speaks passionately about needing an academy to run a team, Neylons created their own in-house Academy for Growth in 2014 and on Friday 26th May 2023, we celebrated our 9th annual graduation with 12 delegates from our 2022-23 programme.
Our Graduating delegates underwent 12 months of training in a variety of subjects including Behavioural Management, technical subjects and Supervisory Management through a series of monthly ‘face-to-face’ modules and course assignments.
It is generally from this pool of Academy graduates that supervisory and management positions are filled within Neylons. As a demonstration of this commitment to our People, 2 of our Directors of Operations have worked their way up through Neylons including graduating from our ‘Academy for Growth’ on their journey.
Our Academy is not only a vehicle to improve the managerial and technical skills of our people, it is also a way of further embedding our Neylons values of: Compliance / Enthusiasm / Innovation / Integrity into our all-important Teams serving our Clients. As we said, Our Academy has been the catalyst to demonstrating our commitment to our People and in turn, our People have reciprocated hugely to our company and in turn our clients.
Our event on the 26th May was blessed with sunshine splitting the stones at our Loughrea, Co. Galway Head office. Our guest of honour on the day was TD, Anne Rabbitte, Minister of State for Disability in the Dept of Health & Dept of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth and Fianna Fáil TD for Galway East, the constituency where Neylons has been headquartered since our inception in 2004.
This year’s event was also the opportunity to formally open our refurbished Head Office, which was completed in March this year. Prior to the Academy formal graduation ceremony, Minister Rabbitte ‘cut the ribbon’ with our Neylons Project Manager, Claudiu Murariu who did an outstanding job of Project Managing the works in an environment where everyone was an expert!
Opening addresses were then given by our Group Chairman and Owner, Sylvester Neylon and Chief Executive Officer, Maria Sava before Minister Rabbitte addressed the invited guests.
Guests included client representatives, members of the local community, our supply chain, Neylons staff and the participants on our 2023-24 Academy.
Minister Rabbitte talked about the importance of diversity in the workplace and the benefits reflecting our community in our staff brings to organisations. A paradigm that is most definitely seen within the Neylons team where we have more female managers than male managers.
Our 12 Graduating delegates then all gave inspirational thank you speeches summarising their experience on our Academy and their hopes for the future. These addresses were applauded by all in attendance and reminded us all of the values of our business and what is most important to us all.
Neylons thank Minister Rabbitte and all in attendance on Friday for their contribution to the day. Most of all we congratulate all our Academy graduates for 2022-23 on their successful graduation and wish them every success in their career moving forward!

Photo Martina Regan
Photo left to right:
Maja Konie, Vladut Moldovan, Alin Muresan, Catherine Kiernan, Marina Buk, Catherine Sangalang, Lita Krumina, Regina Reilly, Beata Uzdzilo, Elizabeta Boricic, Delia O’Brien, Lucas Calza, Sandra Ribner, Kevin Doherty, Anca Cioloca
Missing on the picture: Andrew Freehill