A word about Sandra Greaney, Head of Finance

Sandra joined Neylons in 2014 and has brought great expertise with added value to the management of the company’s finances. Her expertise spans salaries, tax returns, management accounts and payment of wages to staff based on hourly rates. All are managed and completed with great accuracy. Sandra has been promoted to Head of Finance in which she continues to ensure the company reports on and manages its strong financial position.

Here what some of the team have to say:

“Sandra is committed, positive, guiding & supportive and shows great knowledge throughout the financial function. She is at hand to help everyone in the company not just here in Head Office”

Ange DolanFinancial Review

“Sandra is a pleasure to work with, she has an exceptional work ethic and clearly enjoys her job. Sandra always has a smile and a good word for everyone. Her positive can do attitude is an inspiration to all who come in contact with her.”

Susanne Bell FInance Manager

“Sandra shows great knowledge, focus & confidence in everything she does. She is always there to help & offer support, has a kind word to everyone, up for a laugh & her door is always open. Sandra shows great team spirit and manages & motivates her team to preform to the highest standards. I have learned a lot from Sandra & I am always learning. We are very lucky to have her on our team.”

Martina ConroyAccounts Payable

“Sandra is very much critical to Neylons Facility Management. She has and is contributed significantly to everything that we do. Sandra works with all managers and is a very reliable sounding board for any queries anyone has”

Maria SavaCEO